
Virginia Blackman

Meet Virginia Blackman

What is your role at Avison Young?

Principal and member of the U.K. Executive Committee. I lead site assembly and compulsory purchase within the U.K..

How did you get into commercial real estate?

By accident. One of my brothers did some work experience with a rural practice surveyor (estate manager for large landed estate) and I thought it sounded interesting. I started in rural practice in Kent, and moved to commercial property in 2001. He is now a solicitor dealing with white collar crime.

Who has been the most influential woman in your life?

Four great aunts who ran a farm in Lancashire. Each with a very strong character, succeeding in a world by doing things their own way rather than trying to fit in with the crowd. Lipstick every day, even to milk cows at 5am, and they had a fridge just for champagne - life goals right there!

What advice would you give women starting out in real estate?

Leap in! You definitely get out what you put in, and enthusiasm always makes life more interesting that cynicism. Enjoy the good bits and the difficult bits will seem less hard.

This year's IWD theme is Choose to Challenge. What do you choose to challenge or celebrate to help create more inclusion in your community?

Challenge conformity! Conformity is no longer the safe option - it will lead to obsolescence. Our teams are always better when we embrace difference and use it to flourish. Individuality and personal approach are the way to build relationships with clients and create positive impact.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

That I love open water swimming - the colder the water the better the endorphins!

What women’s organizations would you recommend other women get involved with?

This is very personal. Try them out, see if any of them work for you. Is there one which feels more useful and comfortable? I prefer action/outcome orientated (e.g. mentoring or helping others gain confidence in public speaking) and I have been lucky enough to find more than one group of female colleagues who are my wine drinking, restaurant visiting, laughing at the difficult times support group.

Challenge conformity! Conformity is no longer the safe option - it will lead to obsolescence.

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