
Liz Lewis

Meet Liz Lewis

What is your role at Avison Young?

HR Project Manager.

Who has been the most influential woman in your life?

My cousin Beth. She's an educator and Dean at Riverdale Country School in the Bronx. I've looked up to her since I was a kid. She is smart, outspoken, and can do everything and she never asks permission. What advice would you give women starting out in real estate?

As a younger woman as I started my career in consulting, I reached out to my mentor to work through some challenges. Her advice: "Sometimes you can't see the staircase until you take the first step. Don't be afraid to climb to stairs to what you want." I've thought of these words so often throughout my career. We all need to be brave and take the step that moves us closer to what we want. Even if we can't see where it finally leads.

This year's IWD theme is Choose to Challenge. What do you choose to challenge or celebrate to help create more inclusion in your community?

I challenge women to resist the urge to see each other as competition and instead see teammates or allies. Team successes should be just as meaningful as personal successes and we should collaborate when possible to ensure inclusivity, equity and fair representation of all ideas and perspectives.

What women’s organizations would you recommend other women get involved with?

My most meaningful experiences with organizations have come at the local community level where I am able to see my actions impact the people who live with me in my neighborhood and town. My church, Girl Scouts of America Troop leader, She Rocks the World ally for my daughter, Women's Crisis centers in my community; I've learned much about myself and our strength as women through these experiences. Your participation doesn't have to be grand. Hands and heart just need to be dedicated to leading, lifting and loving!

I challenge women to resist the urge to see each other as competition and instead see teammates or allies.

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