Thomas (Tom) Godber
Principal, Chartered Real Estate Broker
Capital Markets Group Consulting & Advisory
- Main Line +1 514 392 1330
- Direct Line +1 514 905 5440
- Email [email protected]
- Montreal
- 1801 McGill College Avenue
- Suite 500
Montréal, Québec H3A 2N4 Canada
First and foremost, Tom is fun to work with. As a veteran executive, he is really passionate about commercial real estate. Tom is known as one of the city’s most creative brokers, thanks to his inventive mind and his innovative ideas, with a focus on the right way to execute his projects – Tom does execution like no one else in the business.
Tom is a founding principal of Avison Young: in 2002, he initiated and coordinated the move of his own firm to join Avison Young and open the company’s first Montreal office, its 6th location worldwide at the time. Tom first refined his skills as a tenant representative in Montréal before moving on to become president and founding partner of Bermuda-based Belmont Manor Properties Ltd, and president and founding partner of Montreal-based Real Estate Factory, which then became Avison Young.
Tom likes complicated real estate transactions: he is not afraid of complex, puzzling projects and he has the scar tissue to prove it. His expertise includes corporate portfolio management as well as execution and strategic planning. Tom also has extensive experience with U.S./Canada cross-border sales, acquisitions and dispositions. His clientele varies from institutional investors to private family trusts and entrepreneurs, as well as major office, multi-residential and industrial users.
Thanks to a very creative and practical personality, Tom is often asked to advise on the pre-development planning of value-add community-based real estate projects.
Today, Tom focuses on real estate solutions that can positively impact communities.
Chartered Real Estate Broker, Organisme d'autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec
Thomas James Godber immobilier inc.